Between blasts of heartbreaking emails, gut-wrenching animal cruelty cases, disheartening online petitions, and news feeds full of melancholy animal photos, it's astounding that we're not all in a dark corner crying somewhere. Being an animal advocate and having a compassionate heart can take its toll, and sometimes we just simply need some good news. Well, you need not look further my friends. The following are 5 Recent Happy Animal News Reports, Videos, and Stories - Enjoy!
1. 15 Schools In Brooklyn, NY Will Have Meatless Mondays
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on October 24th, that 15 Brooklyn schools would soon be serving vegetarian meals, every Monday, for breakfast and lunch. The new plan that begins next spring, will provide tasty and nutritional meals, and is part of a 'Meatless Monday' initiative that is slowly making its way throughout the country.Director at the Bellevue Hospital Weight Management Clinic, Michelle McMacken, MD stated, “Meatless Mondays are a great way to expose students to healthy foods that can lower their risk of obesity as well as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes later in life." Not only that, but the initiative also significantly contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gasses, as well as animal cruelty within factory farms, and minimizes water use.Mayor de Blasio's inspiring announcement may be viewed here.
2. This Chicken
3. New York Banned The Use Of Elephants In Entertainment
On October 19th, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law prohibiting the use of elephants in entertainment, including circuses. This follows a New York City bill banning the use of all wild animals in the circus, which was passed by the New York City Council with a strong vote of 43 to 6 on June 21st. Los Angeles also unanimously passed a similar ban on April 25th. These are huge successes for elephants and other wild animals, which will pave the way for many more to come
4. These Cats
5. Okay, so the following isn't a recent story. In fact, it's almost two years old. But, it's happy nonetheless...
The Smiling Donkey Story
It was the holiday season with Christmas soon approaching when Animal Haven Animal Rescue(AHAR), of Co. Kelly, Ireland, received an emergency call on December 6th, 2015.
A desperate owner had made the call, pleading for help with his donkey that found himself surrounded by flood waters. Apparently, the donkey, who was protected by a shed and free to roam in a surrounding fenced-in field, decided to do some extra exploring when a storm blew down the fence gate.
Unfortunately, his exploring quickly turned into big trouble when flash flooding hit the area, trapping him and putting him at grave risk of drowning.
As the waters continued to rise around him, Suzann Gibbons of the AHAR didn't waste any time. She quickly posted a 'code red' message on the rescue center's Facebook page asking for help with the mission. She was already on the ground making rescues at the time and had ropes, but needed a boat and some backup assistance.
Well, that backup arrived via Killorglin Rowing Club coach, Mike Fleming. He showed up with his small boat and an additional volunteer named Declan.

Despite their sub-par equipment, strong wind, and rising flood, the group worked together, as the owner prayed for his donkey to make it out of the water alive. The team used a round floating life-saver and rope to tow the donkey to safety, bringing the owner to tears of joy.
When arriving on land the donkey seemed rather relieved and gave what appeared to be a big smile, just in time for his picture to be taken.
Following the rescue, the AHAR created a post sharing the donkey was immediately seen by a veterinarian and stating, "He has a small bit of fluid in one lung but our vet said he will recover. All he needs is loads of TLC.”
And TLC he got. The AHAR also shared that he was, "dried with towels, eating hot mash," and was made "all cozy and warm."
Suzann Gibbons also posted a thank you to Mike Fleming and Declan stating, "Never say something cant be done just do it. Declan and Mike were beyond brave. So many people told me don't do it It cant be done You cant swim, you'll get killed. These two men just said ok girl lets give it a go. I love you both for what you did today. My hero's xx."

Mike Fleming (top left), Declan (bottom left) and Suzann Gibbons with donkey (right), Animal Haven Animal Rescue
Suzann also commented on the donkey's owner saying that he had the donkey for years, was "genuine" and "never gave up until he found us."As for the donkey, he remained cozy and warm all the way through Christmas and was nicknamed 'Mike' in honor of Mr. Fleming.The AHAR followed up with one last post stating, "We loved every moment saving Mike and I think I speak for all of us, he was so worth the danger just to see his little face on dry land."

The End