Slowly but steadily, the truth regarding the unnecessary abuse of wild animals in the circus has been revealed.
Following in the wise and compassionate footsteps of Los Angeles, the New York City Council has passed Int 1233-2016, a bill banning the use of wild animals in the circus. The Council passed the bill during their meeting on June 21st with a strong vote of 43 to 6.
This win seems only the more victorious coming after an undercover investigation of a circus animal trainer conducted by the Humane Society of the United States. Video footage, photographs and documented evidence revealed unconscionable animal abuse committed by ShowMe Tigers, a traveling circus act run by Ryan Easley.
The investigation report notes that the tigers were kept in near constant confinement within cages measuring at 4 feet wide x 6 feet high x 4 feet in depth. It was in those cages where they ate, slept, paced, urinated and defecated, only to be removed from them while performing.
It was also documented that a female tiger named Tora, was seen being whipped 31 times in under two minutes and had an untreated wound on her face.
With investigations like that of ShowMe Tigers bringing such continued abuse to light, even after Ringling Brothers preforming their last show in May, it is evident that there is still much work left to be done in order to fully safeguard animals from the cruelties that occur within the circus industry.
Ticket purchases for circuses that include animals have been plummeting, however, passing legislation like Los Angeles and New York City have done, is the best way to ensure the exploitation and abuse of animals in the circus comes to an end for good.
Although this is a single battle won among many ahead, we can certainly celebrate this vote today. Not only in honor of those who have worked so hard to make this happen, but for the magnificent animals that we fight to protect.
If an animal does not do something naturally in the wild, it should never be forced with abuse to do it at all.
Image Credit: BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (https:creativecommons.org_licenses_by-sa_4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0), via Wikimedia Commons