Sunday night, Elsie Dabrowski of Sunapee, NH was attacked by a rabid bobcat when exiting her chicken coop and tending to her garden. She protected herself with a gardening tool until her dogs and son came to her defense, which led to the shooting of the cat.
CBS News reports that Elsie respectfully, 'harbors no ill will towards the bobcat' and she stated, "The animal was sick and he was looking for an easy meal with the chickens so he came here."
Elsie is not only brave but quite smart, as the bobcat not only had porcupine quills in his face, a sign of a sick animal that is disoriented and desperate for food, but tested positive for rabies on Monday.
Although this will undoubtedly resurface the demand for a season on bobcats from those with special interests, such as trophy hunting and trapping for the sale of pelts, it is important to remember the facts provided by the latest science and not to allow clouded judgment.
As explained by several biologists, bobcats are apex predators, which are vital to a balanced ecosystem, and regulate their own population. If hunted, bobcat family units will split and breed more, which will actually increase the overall population in time.
A hunting season on bobcats can also increase human/wildlife conflict. When the parents of young bobcats are killed, the young are left to fend for themselves before learning how to hunt properly, which can cause them to turn to our domestic animals for a food source.
Elsie also advised CBS News that, 'The only change in routine she plans is to finish her chores before dark' and she said, “It’s gonna be fine.” She has wounds that have been tended to, and she is on the mend.
We wish Elsie a speedy recovery, thank her for her insight and hope that the NH Fish and Game Department does not allow those with special interests to use this story in an attempt to manipulate the public.
Although there was an immense amount of opposition to the bobcat season proposal, from NH residents, biologists, non-hunters and hunters alike, that was not the determining factor behind the Fish and Game's withdrawal in April 2016.
The withdrawal followed the NH Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules' well-advised vote in objection to the proposal, and we certainly don't foresee the JLCAR changing their stance anytime soon.